Today it was Rocky's first visit from a farrier. I found David's details on the ATHRA site. And it stated that he was the Bare Foot Hoof guy, well as I had intended to ride Rocky bare footed or in boots I thought that he sounded perfect for the job.
I wasn't wrong he was terrific, so nice to chat with and very kind and considerate to our Rocky.

David checked Rocky's feet and was impressed at how good they are in general, strong healthy feet. WoooHooo, perfect for what we intend to do, trial and light pleasure riding with him and the paddock he is in is perfect conditions for a barefoot horse, a little rocky, a little unlevel and well draining.
My one concern proved an imminent problem tho, the day we brought him home to Kellyville he was a bit disoriented and racing around looking for me, and followed me down a rocky path, not even a path more a mountain goat track. Silly boy, he made a big chip in the middle of his near side hind hoof. As David worked on it, it proved that there was indeed a good size crack in it, which he filed and treated but suggested no riding until I get a boot for that hoof.
As you can see by the pics, he was a super good boy, very relaxed and only really protested when the tender area on the cracked hoof was touched. I had a chance for a good chat with David and feel even more confident that bare hoof and boots are the way to go. Once again I didn't get to ride, but will soon. David said that Rocky had had seedy toe on his rear off side hoof at one stage, and showed me the damage left by it, of course it will cause no long term damage and I will be sure to monitor for any problems.
Well Huelio should arrive this week, and it will be a case of getting the new guys sorted out and finding out what he needs doing. Dave will call me in about a month and see how the feet are going and then he does a re-trim again or in 6 weeks time depending on the growth.
I gave Rocky a dose of worm paste, not that he needed them with the property having been horse free for so long, but just in case and with Huels coming I don't want any problems for him either.