Rocky was in my life for such a short time, it makes you wonder what the deal was, why his star shone so brightly but so briefly in my life. I can not answer that but I do know that he had a huge inpact in my life, and much for the better. Taking Rocky on made me face a lot of issue's in my life that I had been ignoring for way too long. Firstly my weight and fitness level, this is a biggy. Since a child I was always very active, riding, walking, working, I even jogged two hours every day when working in the city around the Domain. Alas since having my tonsils out and discovering the taste of food, a young family, two babies and two miscarriages I pounded on the weight, I don't blame anyone but myself. Now as a 'mature lady' (hate that term) I am fat and unfit.
I know that the people in my life wanted to see me get fitter, happier and enjoy my later child free years. In the meantime I am popping anti-depressants and blood pressure tablets and sitting around on my arse eating chocolate. Feeling sorry for myself as my children move out of home and decidedly need me less. Hubby interstate with work more often than not and a very empty life here at home for me. The good part of course are my work and my friends but still something was missing, something was just not fulfilling some need I had.
Enter Rocky, this big roman nose standy took my heart the minute I saw his pic on Horse yard. What a stunning boy, big, I needed big, bold, gorgeous boy. I could not wait to meet him.
When I did finally get down to see him over Easter weekend 2010, I knew that I had to have him, was he right for me? Maybe, maybe not, here I am a raw novice rider again entering riding in my late 40's and taking on a green broken, big, bold athlete of a horse. Crazy stuff really.
But in my heart I knew that Rocky and I would get along and that he was coming home with me.
I had him for such a short 6 months, with lots of ups and downs, mostly me falling down. Hahahaha. No, I came off once, but it wasn't till I finally found Di Holden from Calmwood that I started to understand Rocky and understand how to get myself riding again and I was even becoming confident on Rocky. He was such a big goof head, loveable and cheeky. His spirit still lives with me every day and I now know why he was in my life.
It was to introduce me to some really wonderful people. He got me up off my butt, I have had to walk heaps, move, stretch, balance, sweat, be exhausted and sore, ache all over but still carry on
and all this I did happily because it wasn't a case of slogging my brains out in a gym, it wasn't doing something so boring and repetative that I wanted to shoot myself, it was a joy of a horse, an animal that was entirely dependant on me getting up off my arse and tending to his needs. I had to work to pay for the things he needed, my lessons, feed, hoof care, teeth, vet, agistment etc. So even work took on a new light. I had purpose in my life again. For this Rocky I thank you, with love and respect my beautiful boy, thankyou for being part of my life and opening a whole world of wonder and love and joy to my life. I will forever be gratefull, and till we meet again, remember you were loved by alot of people.