I have had a lot of doubts about myself riding at this late stage in my life, 48, overweight and wanting to re-experience the joy of owning and riding my own horse. 
Seems it was only a few months ago that I decided to get my motorcycle licence and ride on the road. Having done both these things rather well as a kid, growing up surrounded by bikes, horses, and sundry farm duties, animals and the freedom of miles of fire trails at our back gate, It would all be a breeze for me to just step back into it as tho I hadn't been away from a horse for 30 years. Yer, right!!!
It is no doubt that I had a really wonderful childhood. The fact that these things were provided by my parents and their hard work and hard earned money was not even an issue for me or my siblings.
Providing said activities for myself is both exciting, worrying and hard bloody work. Makes me appreciate just how lucky I was to have parents like mine.Well, doubts and misgivings aside today I got back up on Rocky with the brilliant instruction of Michelle, who's natural ability with horses and people was well evident.
Rocky was a star, he was calm and level headed a far cry from the last time we rode together.
He behaved well even under my clumsy attempt at mounting. He hung in there and received well earned praise for being a calm and willing boy.
Michelle's calm directive had me able to control him without second guessing myself, and starting with basic control, having Rocky moving off and responding to commands with the correct position of hands, legs and body. Soft hands that move with the horse. Clear directives to a green horse from a green rider. Karleigh said we would "learn together" and I think she is right. Based on today's workout we are getting to know each other and with help, work and patients a bright future is on the cards.
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