I love Huelio, he was not only a lovely boy, sweet as anything, bossy and opinionated but he was fun fun fun to ride, I felt really safe on him. He is just a real 'been there, done that' sort of horse. I think I could have come along very quickly in my riding ability if I had been able to keep him.
One huge and insurmountable problem for my Dad was that Huelio went visiting neighbours on a regular basis, then stood at the fence waiting to be let back in. He could get out but couldn't get back in. He liked visiting the young boys, one down the back of the property and one two doors along, all gained by safe paddocks but as he was creating a problem for Dad I had to make a decision. Take him back to Karleigh or get an electric fence.
Well with Dad, really and truly over it all, and Tony willing to buy an electric fence and repair the old fences, but so unwell that I really hated to add yet another day of yakka to his list, I reluctantly decided that the best thing was for Huels to go back to his 'herd'.
Rocky is missing him, he is seeking out more attention from his people. Will I seek out another horse? Maybe, I do have my eye on one little man atm, we will see how the land lays for the moment, not push my luck, but with fingers crossed I may be able to give another horse a home that will love him to pieces.
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