Monday, September 27, 2010

Flying Horses

Wow doesnt time fly when you are playing with horses??

It has been a long time since updating all the coming and goings at Kellyville and since Huelio left I am very happy to announce that he has found a new home with Jeff and Hayley. He is doing wonderfully because he is finally at a place that has activity going on all the time and a herd of horses for him to sort out. Jeff is a standie fan like me and was interested in Rock but I beat it to the punch by putting down a deposit on Rocky before he could get out and see him.
I really think that Huelio is a perfect horse for Jeff, and Jeff agrees saying that Huelio is wonderful.

Since the last post I have had Rocky out at a riding and training centre with the amazing Di Holden. She spent a concentrated 2 weeks working with Rocky and I and teaching us how to get on and work together, for Rocky to learn how to be a riden horse and for me to gain more confidence after my fall from him.
It all worked very well and I am really keen to keep up the lesson's with Di. This is now all going to happen as planned as I have purchased a float, well one that needed some work, a new floor but as Tony is so clever he is able to replace this himself keeping the cost down to close to my original budget.

In the meantime while Rocky was out at Calmwood, I brought up another horse from Karleigh, JoniMac, aka Johnny, aka Fonzie. A lovely black/brown 11 year old standie with a good racing record to his name. JoniMac is very sensitive, gentle and smart, we absolutely love him. He has proved to be everything we were wanting in a second horse, he is a thinker, and not at all pushy so that Dad is able to handle him easily, even to the point of taking his rug off for me.
A short lunge session proved that JM has nice looks, almost thorobred like in his features, a lovely movement and easy, easy to work with. Show him once and he has it, and tries like crazy to get it right the first time. If he is going to be like this in future I think a riding career, maybe even dressage might be his thing.

So I have two very different horses. Two that suit us all very nicely and they will not be going anywhere, apart from Di's for more lessons and I hope to repeat the success I have had with Rocky with JoniMac, I can not wait to get started.

Photos to come.

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